Remote Service FAQs

Adobe Creative Cloud

Access to Adobe Creative Cloud has ended. Adobe announced that the following apps still have free features: Adobe Portfolio, Adobe Spark, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (for mobile), Adobe Premiere Rush, Adobe XD, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Adobe Scan

DaVinci Resolve is an alternative free video editor you can use from home. Please see Adobe's guide to exporting projects for other applications if you would like to work on an existing project in an alternative video editor.

Microsoft Office

You can download Microsoft Office from Please check our instructions on how to download and install Office.

The following applications are available from the Library catalogue. Click the link and login using your normal University username and password to obtain the instructions.


SPSS is a software package used for statistical analysis. This is the version currently in use on all University computers.

Instructions for downloading and installing SPSS


Amos is a structural equation modelling software including standard multivariate analysis methods.

Instructions for downloading and installing Amos


NVivo is a software package used for qualitative data analysis, for example analysing responses to questionnaires.

Instructions for downloading and installing NVivo


Create mind maps or plan, schedule and manage your projects with MindGenius.

Instructions for downloading and installing MindGenius

There are a number of video guides showing you how to use the Library resources. You can browse the videos by topic:

Computer skills video guides - help with using Microsoft Office products

Finding and using information video guides - help with research and referencing

You can find the full list of video guides on our A-Z resources page.


There are over 200 Study Hub guides available which cover all aspects of assignment writing. Check the A-Z list of guides

If you can’t find what you need email

Check out the Learning Resources Guide to referencing

You may also find the Referencing video guides useful in our Finding and using information video guides collection.

If you can’t find what you need email

You can find self-help guides and video guides to help you use Microsoft Office products such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel on the Computer Skills self-help guides page

You will find support for the following apps on Office support by Microsoft (all links are external):

Skype support by Microsoft

Project support by Microsoft

Microsoft Teams support by Microsoft

You can download Microsoft Office from Please check our instructions on how to download and install Office

If you can’t find what you need email

The Study Hub team are available to help you with your academic skills. For help with academic writing, maths, study skills, email

For help with researching and referencing email

For help with computer skills email

Please include in your email whether you prefer to meet in person or online, some possible dates and times when you can attend an appointment as well as a brief summary of what you would like help with.

The library has a wide range of digital or electronic resources, this could be ebooks, newspapers and ejournals. Find out more about the Digital Library

Look at the Subject Guides on LRWEB. Written by the Academic Liaison Librarian for your subject, they’ll tell the best resources to search for journal articles and much more.

Have a look at the Digital Library's guidance on accessing digital resources.  

If you are having problems accessing resources please email

Tell us exactly what you are trying to access, your ID number so we can check your account, as as much detail as you can about what is going wrong - a screenshot really helps. The more information you can give us, the quicker we will be able to help you.

You can either search on your BREO unit or go direct to the readinglists page and search by your unit name.

You may also find the following video guide useful:

How to access reading lists through BREO

Look at the advice on evaluating information

You may also find the following video guide useful:

How to evaluate a resource

Google search tips

How to use Google scholar

Use the A-Z list, hopefully it will help you.  If it doesn’t, email the following teams: for academic writing, maths and study skills support. for researching and referencing support for computer skills support.

The Sconul Access scheme has partially reopened. If you have an in date membership card it will be accepted at the University libraries which have re-joined the scheme. Read the details on applications for membership or a renewal on our Categories of Membership page.

All current loans will be automatically renewed up to 25 times. Any existing fines or Bills will still be place now we have re-opened. Please could all long term loans be returned to any University of Bedfordshire campus library at your convenience.

The reservations service is available via the library catalogue – your collection email will have advice on when to pick up your items.

All eligible groups ie Staff & Researchers and Post graduates may request Document Supply items as required. Please see the details in the following links:

Read more about the Document Supply service

Submit a request

You may also find the following video guide useful:

How to use Document Supply


Library on social media

Library blogs

