Accessing your reading lists

Every unit on BREO which you study as part of your course should contain a link to the Reading list for that unit. The reading list can be found under the Books and Tools menu within the BREO unit and should be one of the first places that you look to for relevant information sources (eg. books, journals or websites) in researching your assignments.

The unit reading lists have been compiled by the unit leader in partnership with the Academic Liaison Librarian and generally consist of three sections:

Core Text: The main textbook for the unit. It is often available in electronic format as an e-book.

Guided Reading: Recommended textbooks, digitised book chapters and journal articles

Independent Reading / Study: Background reading and links to relevant academic journals, videos or other media.

You can watch a short video on how to access your reading list within BREO


If your BREO unit doesn't contain a link to the reading list, please ask the unit leader to email with the most recent UIF form and the list will be uploaded as soon as possible.


You can also search for a reading list on the reading list website, if you know the unit code or unit title. (When you are doing wider reading for your dissertation, it might be worth looking on the reading lists in related subject areas to se if there are any useful information sources that you could use).

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