Global News and Media Audiences (ASS023-2)
Global News and Media Audiences (ASS023-2)
All materials listed below are available electronically. Click on an item to access it (in order to view some items you may need to log in with your network account).
Peer-reviewed journals
The media & modern culture
History of the news media
- Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2003) 'Communication and the media: the rise of the mass media', in Sociology. 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 370-374.
- Harcup, T. and O'Neill, D. (2001) 'What is news? Galtung and Ruge revisited', Journalism Studies, 2(2), pp. 261-280. [Journal article]
- Marsh, I. (ed.) (2006) 'Chapter 17: The mass media', in Sociology: making sense of society. 3rd edn. London: Pearson Education, pp. 655-720.
Theory: mass society and functionalism
- Bolin, G. (2004) 'The value of being public service: the shifting of power relations in Swedish television production', Media, Culture and Society, 26(2), pp. 277-287. [Journal article]
- Comrie, M. and Fountaine, S. (2005) 'Retrieving public service broadcasting: treading a fine line at TVNZ', Media, Culture and Society, 27(1), pp. 101-118. [Journal article]
- Curran, J. et. al. (2009) 'Media system, public knowledge and democracy', European Journal of Mass Communication, 24(1), pp. 5-26. [Journal article]
- Curran, J. (2002) 'Rival narratives of media history', in Media and power. Taylor & Francis.
- Curran, J. (2009) Power without responsibility: the press and broadcasting in Britain. 7th edn. London: Routledge.
- Harrison, J. and Wessels, B. (2005) 'A new public service communication environment? Public service broadcasting values in the reconfiguring media', New Media and Society, 7(6), pp. 834-853. [Journal article]
- MacDonald, M. (2007) 'Television debate, 'interactivity' and public opinion: the case of the BBC's 'Asylum Day', Media, Culture and Society, 29(4), pp. 679-689. [Journal article]
- Ward, D. (2003) 'State Aid or Band Aid? An evaluation of the European Commission's approach to public service broadcasting', Media, Culture and Society, 25(2), pp. 233-250. [Journal article]
- Ytreberg, E. (2002) 'Ideal types in public service television: paternalists and bureaucrats, charismatics and avant-gardists', Media, Culture and Society, 24(6), pp. 759-774. [Journal article]
Media & ideological control
- Corner, J. (2007) 'Mediated politics, promotional culture and the idea of propaganda', Media, Culture & Society, 29(4), pp. 669-677. [Journal article]
- Herman, E. (2000) 'The propaganda model: a retrospective', Journalism Studies, 1(1), pp. 101-112. [Journal article]
- Klaehn, J. (2002) 'A critical review and assessment of Herman and Chomsky's "Propaganda model", European Journal of Communication, 17(2), pp. 147-182. [Journal article]
Theory: Pluralism & the critique of Marxism
- Curran, J. (2002) Media and power. London: Routledge.
- Davis, A. (2003) 'Wither mass media and power? Evidence for a critical elite theory alternative', Media, Culture & Society, 25(5), pp. 669-690. [Journal article]
- Karppinen, K. (2007) 'Against naive pluralism in media politics: on the implications of the radical-pluralist approach to the public sphere', Media, Culture & Society, 29(3), pp. 495-508. [Journal article]
Transactional perspectives
- Carter, C. (1998) 'Chapter 13: When the extraordinary becomes ordinary', in News, gender and power. Taylor & Francis, pp. 219-232. [Book chapter]
- Chritcher, C. (2002) 'Media, government and moral panic: the politics of paedophilia in Britain 2000-1', Journalism Studies, 3(4), pp. 521-535. [Journal article]
- Cohen, S. and Young, J. (2004) 'Comments on Simon Cottee's "Folk devils and moral panics: "Left idealism" reconsidered', Theoretical Criminology, 6(4), pp. 93-97. [Journal article]
- Davis, A. (2000) 'Public relations, news productions and changing patterns of source access in the British national media', Media, Culture & Society, 22(1), pp. 39-59. [Journal article]
- Downes, D. et. al. (eds.) (2007) Crime, social control and human rights: from moral panics to states of denial: essays in honour of Stanley Cohen. Cullompton: Willan.
- Thompson, K. (1998) Moral panics. London: Routledge.
- Vasterman, P.L.M. (2005)'Media-hype: self-reinforcing news waves: journalistic standards and the construction of social problems', European Journal of Communication, 20(4), pp. 508-530. [Journal article]
- Weaver, C. K. (1998) 'Chapter 15: Crimewatch UK', in Carter, C. et. al. (eds.) News, gender and power. Taylor & Francis. [Book chapter]
Theory: Postmodernism
The dynamics of news production
- Chomsky, D. (1999) 'The mechanism of management control at the New York Times', Media, Culture & Society, 21(5), pp. 579-599. [Journal article]
- Langhorne, R. (2006) 'Part E: The performance: the machinery of interaction: 6: Media', in The essentials of global politics. London: Hodder Arnold. [Book chapter]
Agenda setting and gate-keeping
Content analysis
Semiotic and discourse analysis of news
- Franklin, B. (ed.) (2008) Pulling newspapers apart: analysing print journalism. London: Routledge.
- Pan, L.X. (2002) ' Consensus behind disputes: a critical discourse analysis on the media coverage of the right-of-abode issue in postcolonial Hong Kong', Media, Culture & Society, 24(1), pp. 49-68. [Journal article]
- Discourse & Society
Gender on the agenda
- Allan, S. (2004) 'Chapter 6: The gendered realities of journalism', in News Culture. 2nd edn. Maidenhead: OUP, pp.119-142.
- Armstrong, C.L. (2004) 'The influence of reporter gender on source selection in newspaper stories', Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(1), pp. 139-154. [Journal article]
- Armstrong, C.L. and Nelson, M. R. (2005) 'How newspaper sources trigger gender stereotypes', Journalism & Mass Media Quarterly, 82(4), pp. 820-837. [Journal article]
- Craft, S. and Wanta, W. (2004) 'Women in the newsroom: influences of female editors and reporters on the news agenda', Journalism and Mass Media Quarterly, 81(1), pp. 124-138. [Journal article]
- Hogan, J. (1999) 'The construction of gendered national identities in the television advertisements of Japan and Australia', Media, Culture and Society, 21(6), pp. 743-758. [Journal article]
- Kitch, C. (1997) 'Changing theoretical perspectives on women's media images: the emergence of patterns in a new area of historical scholarship', Journalism and Mass Media Quarterly, 74(3), pp. 477-489. [Journal article]
- Lavie, A. and Leman-Wilsig, S. (2003) 'Who's news? : Does gender determine the editorial product?', European Journal of Communication, 18(1), pp. 5-29. [Journal article]
- Stabile, C. A. and Kumar, D. (2005) 'Unveiling imperialism: media, gender and the war on Afghanistan', Media, Culture and Society, 27(5), pp. 765-782. [Journal article]
- Torenli, L. (2006) 'The "other" faces of digital exclusion: ICT gender divides in the broader community', European Journal of Communication, 21(4), pp. 435-455. [Journal article]
- Zoch, L.M. and VanSlyke, J. (1998) 'Women making news: gender as a variable in source selection and use', Journalism and Mass Media Quarterly, 75(4), pp. 762-775. [Journal article]
Race, ethnicity and the media
- Allan, S. (2004) 'Chapter 7: Us and them: racism in the news', in News Culture. 2nd edn. Maidenhead: OUP, pp. 143-170. [Book chapter]
- Coleman, R. (2003) 'Race and ethical reasoning: the importance of race to journalistic decision making', Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 80(2), pp. 295-310. [Journal article]
- Duke, L. (2000) 'Black in a blonde world: race and girls' interpretation of the feminine ideal in teenage magazines', Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 77(2), pp. 367-392. [Journal article]
- Miller, R.E. and Wanta, W. (1996) 'Race as a variable in agenda setting', Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 73(4), pp. 913-925. [Journal article]
News, the state and spinning
- Allan, S. (2004) 'Chapter 8: Journalism on the web: September 11 and the war in Iraq', in News Culture. 2nd edn. Maidenhead: OUP, pp. 171-192. [Book Chapter]
- Bruce, T. (2004) 'Making the boundaries of the "normal" in televised sports: the play-by-play of race', Media, Culture and Society, 26(6), pp. 861-879. [Journal article]
- Wal, J.T. et. al. (2005) '(Re) presentation of ethnicity in EU and Dutch domestic news: a quantitative analysis' Media, Culture and Society, 27(6), pp. 937-950. [Journal article]