Working with Children Young People and Families: Core Concepts

Working with Children, Young People and Familes: Core Concepts

Core Electronic Texts

Government Guidance

 Background Electronic Texts

Government Guidance

 Useful Databases and Websites

Use Ebscohost to find peer-reviewed journal articles and other research materials. You can search several Ebscohost databases simultaneously; be sure to tick the box for full text to restrict yourself to only full text electronic material. Particularly useful Ebscohost databases for this module are:

  • Academic Search Elite
  • Education Research Complete
  • E-journals
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
  • PsycINFO
  • SocINDEX

Free database maintained by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). It contains records of books, journals, websites, reports, briefings and guidance (mainly produced by UK Government departments) and allows you to limit your results to full text.

A page maintained by your librarian containing details of useful databases, journals and websites for research in the field of social care. The section on children and young people will be especially useful for this module.

Library on social media

Library blogs

