Adult Social & Community Care

Adult Social & Community Care

Useful Electronic Texts

Electronic Journals

Professional Magazines

Databases and Electronic Resources

Use Ebscohost to find journal articles. You can search several Ebscohost databases simultaneously. Be sure to tick the box for full text to find only material that is available in electronic full text. Particularly useful Ebscohost databases for this module are:

  • Academic Search Elite
  • E-journals
  • British Nursing Index
  • SocINDEX
  • PsycINFO
  • Sage Premier Find full text electronic journal articles published by Sage.
  • Social Care Online Use this free database from SCIE to find good quality documents on the web, e.g. UK Government reports, circulars etc. Be sure to tick the box for full text to limit your search to electronically available material.
  • NewsBank Newspapers UK Many broadsheet newspapers (e.g. The Guardian, The Times, The Independent) may also contain useful material. Search all the national and many of the local UK and Ireland newspapers for the last 10 years simultaneously using NewsBank.

Useful Websites

A guide to some of the most useful sources of statistics on the web; compiled by your subject librarians.

UK Government websites provide a wide range of information from press releases to White Papers, free for the cost of printing. At this page you’ll find links to some of the most useful Government websites.

Numerous large charities in the field of social care also have useful websites. Find some of the best at the above site.

This is an independent charity funded by the Department of Health. The website contains a wealth of freely available documents and research.

This is a national research organisation for adult social care. Its mission is to promote the use of evidence informed policy and practice in adult social care. The site contains a huge amount of freely downloadable material including projects, research summaries, a resource bank and publications.

Library on social media

Library blogs

