Identity & Structure (ASS021-1)
Identity & Structure (ASS021-1)
Core Printed Texts:
Core Ebooks:Developing Presentation Skills
Useful Ebooks
- Anderson, E. (2009) Inclusive masculinity: the changing nature of masculinities. London: Routledge.
- Bank, S.J., Delamont, S. and Marshall, C. (eds.) (2007) Gender and education: an encyclopedia. Westport, Conn: Praeger.
- Cole, M. (ed.) (2006) Education, equality and human rights: issues of gender, race, sexuality, disability and social class. 2nd edn. London: Routoledge.
- Frosh, S., Phoenix, A. and Pattman, R. (2002) Young masculinities: understanding boys in contemporary society. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2003) Sociology. 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hylton, K. (2009) ‘Race’ and sport: critical race theory. London: Routledge.
- Mahoney, P. and Zmroczek, C. (eds.) (1999) Women and social class. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
- Marshall, G. (ed.) (1990) In praise of sociology. London: Routledge.
- Rogers, W.S. and Rogers, R.S. (2001) The psychology of gender and sexuality: an introduction. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Sanders, B. (2005) Youth crime and youth culture in the inner city. London: Routledge.
- Solomos, J. (2003) Race and racism in Britain. 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Wetherell, M., Lafleche, M. and Berkeley, R. (eds.) (2007) Identity, ethnic diversity and community cohesion. London: Sage.
- Wharton, A. (2005) The sociology of gender. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Woodward, K. (ed.) (2004) Questioning identity: gender, class, ethnicity. 2nd edn. London: Routledge.
- Bilton, T. et. al. (2002) Introductory sociology. 4th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Davies, B. (2003) Frogs and snails and feminist tales: preschool children and gender. Rev.ed. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton.
- Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2007) Sociology. 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kirby, M. (2000) Sociology in persepctive. AQA edn. Oxford: Heinemann.
- Lyon Clark, B. and Higonnet, M.R. (eds.) (2009) Girls, boys, books, toys: gender in children's literature and culture.London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Macionis, J. and Plummer, K. (2008) Sociology: a global introduction. 4th edn. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Taylor, P. et. al. (1995) Sociology in focus. Ormskirk: Causeway.
Peer Reviewed Journals
- British Journal of Sociology
- Current Sociology
Developments in Sociology - Journal of Social Issues
- Sociological Research Online
- Sociology: The Journal of The British Sociological Association
- Sociological Review
The following journals are useful for specific aspects of the module:
Electronic Gazette
Electronic Journal Articles
- Bailey, L. (1999) 'Refracted selves? A study of changes in self-identity in the transition to motherhood', Sociology, 33(2), pp. 335-352.
- New, C. (2001) 'Oppressed and oppressors? The systematic mistreatment of men', Sociology, 35(3), pp. 729-748.
- Russell R. (2002) 'Thank heaven for little girls: "Girl Heaven" and the commercial context of feminine childhood', Sociology, 36(3 ), pp. 619-637.
Useful Databases
The following databases will allow you to find full text journal articles:
- Ebscohost Research Databases - search several Ebscohost databases simultaneously to find journal articles. Be sure to tick the boxes for 'full text' and 'Scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals'. Core Ebscohost databases for this module are:
- Academic Search Elite
- E-journals
- Sage Premier - full text journal articles from journals published by Sage including Current Sociology, Sociology, Capital and Class, European Journal of Women's Studies, Gender & Society, Race & Class and many more.