Creating EBSCOalerts in DISCOVER and other EBSCO databases

Alerts can help you to keep on top of all the latest research. You can create a search alert, which will re-run searches daily, weekly or monthly and email you the results. When you access DISCOVER or other EBSCO databases you automatically get a MyEBSCO account where you can save searches

  1. Do a search.
  2. Click the three dots icon next to the Relevance button, Create alert will drop down
    Create alert
  3. The Create alert window will open.You will need to specify how often you would like to run the search (available under the Frequency drop-down menu), and provide an email address for the alert to be sent to.
  4. Click Create alert.

Setting up a journal alert

  1. From any EBSCO database (other than DISCOVER), click the Publications link and find the journal you want. Click on the link for the journal. If you are in DISCOVER, choose Ebook and Ejournal finder instead of Publications.
  2. Click on Share and choose Email Alert.
  3. Fill in your email address and choose the options you want for your journal alert. You can choose to link to the Table of Contents of the journal or to individual articles.
  4. Click Save Alert.

Creating an alert

Changing your alert settings

In DISCOVER, click on the Searches link on the left of the page and then the Search alerts tab. Click the three dots to edit or delete your alert.



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