Exam papers
Where possible (according to University and copyright rules) we make past University examination papers taken during the last five years available online through the library catalogue (but not in DISCOVER). We can only make exam papers available when teaching staff have given them to us - if you cannot find the one you want, you will need to ask teaching staff.
No exam papers can be released for the current academic year, for any unit, until all exam sessions for that academic year have been completed. This usually will not be until mid-November. When exams are complete the Exam office sends e-copies of the papers to Learning Resources, except for multiple choice questions, Computer Based Assessments (CBA), case studies and referral papers. These are excluded as they may form part of limited question banks available to academic staff.
You can search by exam paper title or course unit codes on the Digital Library tab, under Exam Papers.
You will need to login to view your chosen exam paper online.
If you have any problems using this service then please let us know at library.technical@beds.ac.uk
We rely on teaching staff to pass exam papers to us, so if you cannot find what you are expecting ask your lecturers to get in contact with us.
Enhance your exam performance
There are resources that will help you to revise for examinations in the 'A-Z resources' section of the Study Hub site (type 'exam' into the search box on the page).