Dissertations and theses

Dissertations and theses are research projects which form part of a degree. We usually use Dissertation for taught degrees, and Thesis for research degrees, eg PhDs, where it is the main form of assessment.

We have a number of examples of good undergraduate and taught post graduate dissertations electronically available on the library catalogue

Go to the Advanced Search tab and type in a keyword that best describes the topic of the dissertations you want to find, or if you know the title or author of the dissertation you want to find use those as search terms.

Make sure you limit your search to the digital library and select dissertations from the material type menu

Advanced search for dissertations on the catalogue

You will retrieve a list of dissertations. Click on the title of the one you want to access and when prompted enter your library username and password.

Some dissertations are still available in print only and you'll need to ask at the Customer Service Desk to access them.


We upload digital copies of PhD and research masters theses and dissertations to our institutional repository, which also holds research outputs from our staff. We have digitised our entire collection of theses, back to the 1970s.


All dissertations and theses which are available in either the library catalogue or the institutional repository can also be found in DISCOVER

Theses from other institutions

You can search for theses held in the repositories of other institutions - try the Open Access Theses and Dissertations site, which holds content from universities around the world.


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