DISCOVER is your single search solution that allows you to search (most of) our electronic resources and our catalogue simultaneously and tells you if library books are on loan. (A few databases are not included for reasons outside our control - here is a list of databases not in DISCOVER)

DISCOVER main search page

You will need to log in to DISCOVER with your usual UoB username and password. Results can be saved to your personal folder, labelled Projects, and any peferences will be remembered.

Once you have done a search, you will get lots of options on the left-hand side to help you narrow down your results, e.g. by date, subject or type of resource. By default we have limited your results to things that you will be able to access (UoB full access), but if you want to see what else is out there you can de-select this option.

You can download a more detailed guide to using DISCOVER [PDF]

For detailed help with with using DISCOVER please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian. You can also follow our updates on the Digital Library Blog

Detailed demonstration:

Click the links to watch our video guides:

Discover: General orientation

Discover: Doing a basic search

Discover: Doing an advanced search

Discover: Using the concept map feature

Although DISCOVER includes lots of databases, it can't include all of the databases we subscribe to. To find out what other databases may be useful to search, go to the Databases not in DISCOVER page.

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