
You may borrow up to 20 items at a time (except Teaching Practice students at Bedford – see below). Once you have chosen the items you want take them to a self issue kiosk and issue them. Remember to pick up your receipt as it will tell you the date the items are due back.

You may return any item to any campus via the self returns unit.

Learning Resources materials are your responsibility while they are on loan to you. Do not loan items issued to you to a third party. Please take care not to damage them, do not write on or mark books in any way and return them on time.

BEd students at the Bedford campus have an additional loan allowance of 20 items from the Teaching Practice collection. These items are available on a termly loan and standard fines apply. These items may be recalled and may not be renewed.

The majority of DVD stock is on 7 day loan and may be reserved. Some high demand items are reference only and may be viewed in the libraries only. DVDs are stored in security cases so staff intervention is needed to get them out. Please be sure to issue your DVDs before staff leave.

Standard Loan:

Loan period 2 weeks, 25 automatic renewals per item - unless reserved by another person.

7 Day Loan:

Loan period 1 week, 25 automatic renewals per item - unless reserved by another person.

Overnight Loan:

Return by end of staffed hours the following day. These items cannot be reserved or renewed.


These items are not for loan and may be used in the libraries only.

Fines are charged for items that are returned late:

50p per standard loan

75p per 7 day loan

£1 per overnight loan

An overdue reminder will be sent to your university email account in the first instance.

When you have had 25 automatic renewals you must return the item to the University.

If an item you have on loan is reserved by another person you must return it on or before the due date. You will not be able to renew it.

If your loan is more than 5 weeks overdue, a bill for the replacement cost of the loan will be put on your library account.

If you are the victim of a robbery and your loan items are stolen please get a Crime Number from the police force. Report the theft to Learning Resources as soon as possible and give staff your Crime Number.

University of Bedfordshire students on placement in the NHS, are privileged to be allowed to use the NHS libraries in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire to borrow books.

If any loans become badly overdue University of Bedfordshire Library accounts will be sanctioned until the books are returned and the fines are paid

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