Categories of Membership

From Monday 9th December 2024 to Sunday 5th January 2025, membership application processing will be paused. You will not be able to submit an application during this period.

All visitor applications are made via an online form. You are advised to use Chrome to complete this process.

Visitor applications apply to either Luton or Bedford campus libraries. There is no access for visitors at Aylesbury or Milton Keynes campuses.

Received your ID card collection email?

Please call Luton (01582 743488) or Bedford (01234 793189) campus libraries to make sure staff are available to help you.

We welcome visitors to University of Bedfordshire libraries. Our service priorities are to University of Bedfordshire students, in addition the following arrangements are available to visitors.

Applications via the SCONUL Access scheme are being accepted. Once you receive your SCONUL Access authorisation email, you can then apply for a visitor pass.

First you will need to complete this online form

You will need to provide a passport style photograph and proof of address when you fill in our online application form. From when we receive all the correct documentation, please allow 10 working days for us to make up your membership card. There are no IDs available on demand. SCONUL Access visitors may not use group study rooms, student PCs or MACs.

Sconul Access is available at Bedford and Luton campus libraries only.

Services to Alumni are available via our online application process at Bedford or Luton campus libraries.

From when we receive all the correct documentation, please allow 10 working days for us to make up your membership card.

Always bring your membership card to swipe through the barriers.

As a graduate of the University of Bedfordshire you are welcome to apply for membership of Library, Learning Resources and Information. This applies to UK based Alumni as our membership offer is based on physical access to the study space and print resources. This membership offer applies to Bedford Library and Luton Library only. There is no remote access to digital resources for UK or overseas alumni.

Keep your contact details up to date with the University.

To be eligible for membership University of Bedfordshire graduates need to be in good standing with the library i.e. no outstanding loans/fines/bills/Written Warnings.
Current students can apply once your student ID card expires. Your library account is valid for approximately 3 months after your course finish date. Membership cards are valid for 3 years.

  • Alumnus Reference Membership is Free - no loans
  • Alumnus Associate Membership – which allows borrowing - is £35 per annum
  • You may use the Guest WiFi network on your own laptop/tablet
  • You may not use group study rooms, student PCs or MACs
  • You will not have access to any of your old University IT accounts or to the Digital Library
  • You will not be able to print
  • By using our services you agree to us storing and processing your data

Apply via our online application form

All visitor applications are made via an online form. You are advised to use Chrome of Firefox to complete this process.

From when we receive all the correct documentation, please allow 10 working days for us to make up your membership card.

Always bring your membership card to swipe through the barriers.

  • Use of study space in the library
  • Use of the print materials on the shelves
  • Eduroam access to home institution resources or walk-in customer access to networked resources via WiFi network on personal mobile device. The range of available resources is less than the University's full subscription base as it is limited by licensing requirement.
  • Reference membership does not allow any loans.
  • Visitors may not use group study rooms, student PCs or MACs and will not be able to print

Valid for 12 months. This membership offer applies to Bedford Library and Luton Library only

Replacement card charge of £13

Charge (if applicable): £30 Concessions £15 i.e. senior citizen, unemployed, student. Proof of eligibility required

Free Categories: Local LEA FE college students, Bedfordshire LEA teachers, University of Bedfordshire Alumni, VIPs, Residents' Groups, Short Courses, Sconul Access Band R(Reference).

All visitor applications are made via an online form. You are advised to use Chrome of Firefox to complete this process.

From when we receive all the correct documentation, please allow 10 working days for us to make up your membership card.

Always bring your membership card to swipe through the barriers.

  • Use of study space in the library
  • Use of the print materials on the shelves
  • Loans: Up to 4 loans from the standard or 7-day loan stock (ie not overnight loans, audio-visual or Teaching Practice collection items)
  • Reservations: 2 University of Bedfordshire reservations at a time.
  • Document Supply: Inter library loans may be requested at cost (to be advised)
  • Eduroam access to home institution resources or walk-in customer access to networked resources via WiFi network on own personal device (laptop/tablet). The range of available resources is less than the University's full subscription base as it is limited by licensing requirement.
  • Visitors may not use group study rooms, student PCs or MACs and will not be able to print

Valid for 12 months. This membership offer applies to Bedford Library and Luton Library only.

Replacement card charge of £13

Charge (if applicable): £65.

It is £35 for Alumni, students from institutions who are not members of the Sconul scheme and retired members of staff.

Free Categories: Public Library Referrals. Mediated access via security or LRSE staff by local arrangement. Retired ex-members of University of Bedfordshire staff. Visiting academic staff. Bedfordshire LEA teachers. Sconul Access Bands A, B & C Partner institution validated students.

This category of membership is for one-off visits by appointment or for VIP visitors only. It is not available on demand. It allows individuals to visit the library, meet with staff (usually by appointment) and have one-off access to use the print materials in stock.

  • Walk in user access to available networked resources is via WiFi network or kiosk PCs. The range of available resources is less than the University's full subscription base as it is limited by licensing requirement
  • Single Access does not allow any loans
  • You may not use group study rooms
  • Access will be mediated by security or by library staff; local arrangements vary on each site so please contact us in advance of your visit

    Valid until the end of staffed hours on that day.
    There is no charge for this category of access.

Yr 12 & 13 Pupil applications are made via an online form. You are advised to use Chrome of Firefox to complete this process.

Membership of Bedford campus Library and Luton campus Library is available to year 12 & 13 pupils from 1st September to 31st July each year.

The last day for submitting Year's 12 and 13 library membership applications is Friday 31st Msy 2024. We are unable to process applications recieved after this date.

From when we receive all the correct documentation, please allow 10 working days for us to make up your membership card.

Always bring your membership card to swipe through the barriers.

  • Use of study space in the library
  • Use of the print materials on the shelves.
  • Local school membership does not allow any loans.
  • Local school members may not use group study rooms, student laptops, PCs or MACs and will not be able to print

Valid until 31 May. This membership offer applies to Bedford Library and Luton Library only.

Replacement card charge: £11

Free Category: local school pupils (years 12 & 13) online applications processed up to 30th May each year. All year 12 & 13 memberships expire 31 July each year.

Online form: Local School Pupil applications

Applications must include digital versions of

  • passport style photo
  • proof of address
  • authorisation from your school to apply

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Years 12 & 13 policy
The University library is unable to take on the rights, responsibilities and authority that parents or legal guardians have in relation to anyone in year 12 or 13, and it will not act in loco parentis in relation to library visitors who are under the age of 18 years.
The University is an adult environment and all students are treated as independent, mature individuals. Visitors who are under the age of 18 years will be treated in the same way. All visitors are expected to abide by the requirements of the Library Code of Conduct.

School Staff

Each pupil requires an authorisation form to include with their application. Please complete our Local School Authorisation form, save it and send as an email attachment to your pupil so it may be easily uploaded to the form.


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