Opening hours


Until Sunday 22nd September
Monday to Sunday - 08.30 - 22.00

From Monday 23rd September to Saturday 30th November
Monday to Sunday - 24 hours

When can you speak to staff?
08.30 - 18.00 (Monday to Friday)

Luton Library: contact details and campus information


Until Sunday 22nd September
Monday to Sunday - 08.30 - 22.00

From Monday 23rd September to Saturday 30th November
Monday to Sunday - 08.30 - midnight

When can you speak to staff?
08.30 - 18.00 (Monday to Friday)

Bedford Library: contact details and campus information


Monday – Friday 08.00 – 18.00


Staff are available Monday to Friday, 9.30 - 16.00. Outside of these hours, please call 01582 743488 or email SID:

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

Aylesbury Library: contact details and campus information

Milton Keynes

Monday to Friday 08.30 - 20.00

Milton Keynes Library: contact details and campus information

Pilot opening hours

Bedford Library and Luton Library are operating new opening hours on a pilot basis for the academic year 2024 - 2025.

Any comments on the opening hours at any point of the year are welcomed please email

Learning Resources offers full access to services during the advertised opening hours. Please check for current availability. At Luton Library and Bedford Library staff are not always on duty as some opening hours are supported by security patrols. Please check if assistance is needed before making a journey 01582 743488.

IT services are occasionally subject to unplanned interruption. Planned interruptions for major work will be publicised locally and will be Twittered to the front page of LRWeb. If you intend to make a journey to use specific IT services, please check in advance to ensure their availability.

Opening hours at each site reflect the demand for services throughout the year subject to cost effectiveness and efficiency. Times vary from campus to campus. Please check LRWeb for changes to hours 

Regular opening hours will be reviewed each year by 30 May prior to the relevant academic year. Any proposed changes will be put to academic staff and students through Student Union representatives, Faculty representatives and BREO.

Requests to vary opening hours are subject to consideration by the University Librarian.

Keeping safe advice


As a first stop please check the SiD FAQs for help with any queries you may have
log in with your usual University username and password 

If they cannot help you please log a SiD enquiry

log in with your usual University username and password and type in your ID number in the Find a Student box at the very top of the webpage

Library on social media

Library blogs

