General resources

Library resources

Below is a list of general business resources available via the Library.

Use the library catalogue to find print books and electronic books held by the University of Bedfordshire. You can also find journal titles and databases here - but you cannot search for individual journal articles on the library catalogue.

Use DISCOVER to search journal articles and the library catalogue simultaneously. More information about DISCOVER and how to use it: Video tutorials

Credo Reference is a digital reference library of dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Searches can be limited to one particular book or a range of business resources. Use Credo Reference for finding definitions of terms and theories, as well as keyword synonyms in the 'Mind Map' feature.

Statista is a searchable database of market and consumer data. It includes statistical data from sources like market researchers, trade organisations, journals and government databases. It contains more than 1,000,000 statistics on more than 80,000 topics from over 22,500 sources and 170 different industries. See Statista's help pages for further information.

Newsbank contains the full text of many UK newspapers, both local and national, including The Financial Times. This is a video provided by NewsBank Video tutorial

The library team has put together this video to show you step by step how to search within the Financial Times, accessing through NewsBank.

How to access UK national newspapers through Newsbank

We have also put together a list of titles that are more suitable to the needs of your assignments and projects.

Business Studies (relevant resources)

This is a collection of newspapers in the Lexis Library database. Lexis is primarily a law resource, but can also be used to search newspaper articles.

This is the University of Bedfordshire's central reading list website. Search by unit name or unit code to locate the reading list for that unit.

Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. It contains over 49 million records, which can be searched in a similar way to Discover with the added bonus of ordering results by times cited (i.e. how many times a source appears in the reference lists of other sources). Particularly useful for third year undergraduates doing dissertations and postgraduates. Video tutorial.

A database of over a quarter of a million records of doctoral dissertations from UK Higher Education. Some Phd theses are available as full text. Individual registration is required to download the full text of a thesis, but is not necessary for searching the database and viewing bibliographic records.

The University of Bedfordshire Repository is an open access, repository giving you access to the continuing research activity undertaken at the university.

The University's Document Supply Service provides resources which are neither in stock nor held digitally in the University of Bedfordshire. The service deals with requests for items which can be obtained from other libraries, including the British Library.

Where possible (according to University and copyright rules) exam papers taken during the last five years are made available online via the library catalogue.

This multi-disciplinary database offers full text for  more than 7000 peer-reviewed titles. Useful titles include: Journal of Travel Research, Parks & Recreation, Geographical Journal. Academic Search Complete is an EBSCOhost database and works in a similar way to Discover. Video tutorial.

Business Source Premier is a business and management database containing a variety of journal articles on management, economics, finance, accountancy and banking. It is very similar in appearance and functionality to DISCOVER. Business Source Premier is an EBSCOhost database and works in a similar way to Discover. Video tutorial.

Sage Premier is a gateway to search and browse 480 electronic journals published by Sage Publishing. Full text articles are available from 1999-2016. Video tutorial.

Emerald provides full text access to articles to from 6 subject collections: Business Management and Strategy; Human Resources, Learning and Organisational Studies; Marketing; Operations, Logistic & Quality; Health & Social Care; Tourism & Hospitality Management. The University of Bedfordshire does not subscribe to all of the content available through the Emerald Insight search interface, so full text articles will not be available for all of the journals to be found there.

To find out how to access and use Emerald, watch the video Getting started with Emerald Insight

Provides access to four bibliographic datasets supplied by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), covering scientific and technical information, social sciences, arts and humanities. Three citation indexes provide data from about 22,000 journals: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). The Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP), contains information on published proceedings for about 12 000 annual conferences, including details of individual papers. The database also references millions of patents and thousands of books and web sites. Video tutorial.

JSTOR is a non-profit making shared digital library with more than 1,700 academic journals, 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. The subject coverage is broad across the arts, humanities, social sciences, law, life sciences and health.

Oxford Reference Online brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest reference publishers (Oxford University Press) into a single cross-searchable resource.The Core Collection contains over 100 dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. The Premium Collection offers all of the above, plus information across a broad subject range from titles in the Oxford Companions Series. Video tutorial.

SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries.

Free resources

Below is a list of the top 16 free online general business resources as chosen by your Academic Liaison Librarian.

Download the full list [PDF]

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the national statistical institute of the UK.

The UK Data Service contains UK and international statistics (social, economic, population), designed to support students and researchers.

The EU Open Data Portal contains data published by the EU, searchable via keywords or browsable datasets.

On the UN Data website, you can search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN system including over 60 million data points covering a wide range of themes.

The World Bank Open Data website provides free access to global development data. is the official UK government website, which provides guidance for citizens and residents in the UK. is the official website of the European Union. is the website of the United Nations (UN), containing news and publications.

This is the website of the Harvard Business Review.

This is the European news section of the Wall Street Journal, a US newspaper which contains stock market data.

Business Case Studies contains revision pages, case studies from real world companies, and associated materials and worksheets.

LearningEdge is a collection of teaching case studies and management flight simulations, created by the MIT Sloan School of Management.

CORE aggregates the world’s open access research papers. It contains over a billion articles for free online.

The Business and Management Portal delivers high quality digital reports and other publications from the British Library’s collections to business and management researchers. Registration is required.

The British Library's Business & IP Centre supports small business owners, entrepreneurs and inventors. Teams are on hand all day, six days a week, to help with start up, protecting and growing business.

The Small Business Research and Enterprise Centre (SBREC) has a selection of remotely accessible business databases. To access them you will need to become a member of the library (which you can do for free).

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