Getting books from other libraries

SERVICE NOTICE: The British Library have experienced a major technology outage as a result of a cyber-attack. This is affecting their website, online systems and services, as well as some onsite services.

IMPORTANT: If you have a British Library on-demand account, it is not currently possible to change your password for British Library systems, but if you use the same password anywhere else, we strongly recommend changing it there.

Library, Learning Resources and Information's Document Supply Service provides resources which are neither in stock nor held digitally in the University of Bedfordshire. The service deals with requests for items which can be obtained from other libraries, including the British Library.

The majority of digital documents supplied by our Document Supply service come from the British Library (BL). All University of Bedfordshire staff and students eligible for Document Supply services will need a BL on Demand account to receive their documents. Please note any personal requests made directly using a BL on Demand account will be charged directly to the account holder and the University will not refund the charge.

There is a guide to using the Document Supply service which will be of help to you.

Any queries please contact

Cooperative journal scheme

There is an option of requesting items from a health based co-operative scheme available to all students

University's own stock

If the book you want is available at another campus than the one you are based at you need the Reservations Service

Library on social media

Library blogs

