Microsoft Office Training
As part of your studies, you will be required to complete several assignments, which may include essays, reports and dissertations, presentations and posters, and you may need to include some data analysis or prove an understanding of how to store, organise and manipulate numerical and other forms of data. You will need to use a word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, and you may be required to use a presentation software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel. Check the guides below to improve your skills using the applications listed below.
The guides have been prepared using Office 365. Office 2019 and Office 2016 will be very similar, although some of the functions may not be available or be in different locations. If you need help with an older version of Office, please contact
Cyber security awareness
If you would like to find out more about staying safe online, please read the cyber security awareness guidance by ICT.
Self-help guides available for download
Our guides are available as Word documents. If you need an alternative format, please email
You can download and install Microsoft Office and use it free of charge as long as you are a student at the University.
Install Microsoft Office 365 (Windows or Mac) - instructions [DOCX]
Our self help guides explain how to do short tasks in Excel. You can find additional resources, such as video training, tips and templates on the Microsoft support site.
- Excel - Add a Trendline
- Excel - Apply a style to a chart
- Excel - Chart Elements
- Excel - Edit or Rearrange Chart Data
- Excel - Enter a Formula
- Excel - Filter a chart
- Excel - Format Numbers
- Excel - Insert a Chart
- Excel - Insert a Function
- Excel - Print a Chart
- Excel - Print a Worksheet
- Excel - The Analysis Tools
- Excel - The Quick Analysis Tool
You can find more detailed instructions and examples in our workbooks.
Our self help guides explain how to do short tasks in PowerPoint. You can find additional resources, such as video training, tips and templates on the Microsoft support site.
- PP - Action Buttons
- PP - Add Hyperlinks
- PP - Create a Poster
- PP - Run a Slide Show
- PP - Apply a Transition
- PP - Apply an Animation
- PP - Apply Timings to a Slide
- PP - Change the Slide Background
- PP - Edit Images
- PP - Insert a Chart
- PP - Insert an Image
- PP - View A Presentation
You can find more detailed instructions and examples in our workbooks.
Our self help guides explain how to do short tasks in Word. You can find additional resources, such as video training, tips and templates on the Microsoft support site.
- Word - Add Captions To Images And Tables
- Word - Apply A Style
- Word - Bulleted And Numbered Lists
- Word - Change The Spacing Between Lines
- Word - Create A Table
- Word - Create A Table Of Contents
- Word - Create A Table Of Figure Or Tables
- Word - Format Different Sections
- Word - Header And Footer Tools
- Word - Headers And Footers
- Word - Indent A Paragraph
- Word - Insert A Chart
- Word - Insert An Image
- Word - Modify A Style
- Word - Page Numbering
- Word - Sort Alphabetically
- Word - Use Section Breaks
You can find more detailed instructions and examples in our workbooks.
We no longer offer the ECDL qualification to students; however we still have many resources available if you wish to use them. Please email if you need access to these resources.
If you are interested in achieving the ECDL or ECDL Advanced qualifications we recommend you contact Cranfield University.
Microsoft Teams
Please note that the University does not currently use Microsoft Teams as a teaching tool. It is however, available for students to use to create informal groups. Microsoft Teams training material is available directly from Microsoft.
Study Hub can offer a number of workshops on these areas:
Additional reading
See more on these topics at our Readinglists site or see our readinglist by topic below.
study help
Search for guides in the Study Hub Self-Help repository
Our guides are available as Word documents. If you need an alternative format, please email