Resources for Music Technology

Library resources

Below is a list of library resources relevant to Music Technology - use these to locate academic materials such as books, journal articles, statistics, and reports.

Visit the library Subject Guides to explore other resources available (for example, relating to Media or Performing Arts).

Discover is the University of Bedfordshire library's main search engine. Use Discover to search journal articles, book reviews, news, and the library catalogue simultaneously.

Use the Library Catalogue to find print books and ebooks held by the University of Bedfordshire. You can also find journal titles and databases here.

Communication and Mass Media Complete is an electronic database containing articles from a range of journals relevant to media and communications. Its appearance and functionality is similar to Discover as it is produced by the same company.

JSTOR contains many journal articles in the field of the humanities and arts. You can browse to your subject area of interest (e.g. Browse -> By Subject -> Arts: Music), then search for articles within that subject area (e.g. 'technology').

Oxford Reference contains many electronic reference books and encyclopaedias, including dictionaries and thesauri. You can browse by subject (e.g. music) or enter a search word to find relevant content.

Credo Reference contains a variety of electronic encyclopaedias and reference books. You can search within individual books or across all content at once. The 'Mind Map' search tool in Credo is useful if you wish to consider related concepts and ideas.

Statista is a database which contains official statistics and data collected by research institutes. The data is presented in adjustable charts and tables and downloadable in a variety of formats.

Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching (TRILT) is an online listings service for UK television and radio, provided by the British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC). The database carries complete schedules for around 300 UK channels, including regional variations as well as Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Irish and Asian-language stations or programmes.

Web of Science is a citation database containing records for many journal articles across a variety of subject areas. Web of Science is especially useful for identifying highly cited works. To locate relevant content, do a keyword search then refine your results by category in the left hand panel.

Scopus is a citation database containing records for many journal articles across a variety of subject areas. Scopus is especially useful for identifying highly cited works. Browse to Sources -> Subject Area -> Music to see content relevant to your subject area, or do a keyword search across all content.

Free resources

Below is a list of useful websites and other online resources that are relevant to Music Technology.

The Audio Engineering Society (AES) is a professional society devoted to audio technology. Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide, disseminating new knowledge and research. It publishes The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.

UK Music is an industry-funded body, established in 2008 to represent the collective interests of the recorded, published and live arms of the British music industry. Their website contains research, reports, and other resources relating to the UK music industry.

Sound and Music supports composers to develop their work, helps audiences to discover and experience new music, and enables young people to explore their musical creativity.

The Incorporated Society of Musicians is the UK’s professional body for musicians and subject association for music.

British Library Sounds is an extensive collections of unique sound recordings, which come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound: music, drama and literature, oral history, wildlife and environmental.

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (International Inventory of Musical Sources) is an international, non-profit organization which aims for comprehensive documentation of extant musical sources worldwide. These primary sources are manuscripts or printed music, writings on music theory, and libretti.

SoundCloud is a music and audio platform that allows people to discover and enjoy a selection of music from a diverse creator community. Launched in 2008, the platform contains unique content and features, including the ability to share music and connect directly with artists, as well as unearth breakthrough tracks, raw demos, podcasts, and more.

Musopen provides recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions.

This is the YouTube channel for was a website started in 1999 as a way to share engineers and producers techniques, support new talented and creative people, and to share the knowledge and craft of recording and production. It contains video tours of recording studios.

FutureMusic is a resource for music news, music technology, digital music, new music gear, music gadgets, mobile music, DJing, remixing and music production.

Sound On Sound is a magazine for the music recording industry. Their website houses an archive of articles that chart the impact of technology on the music production and recording processes.

MusicTech is a website providing insight and opinion on the gear, tools, software and services to enhance and expand the minds of music makers and listeners.

This is the Tech News section of MusicRadar, a website for musicians, and includes news on keyboards and synths, software and gadgets.

Daphne Oram (1925–2003) was a pioneering electronic composer and the inventor of Oramics, a means of synthesising sound by drawing waveforms, pitches, volume envelopes and other properties on film. She was also a writer, educator and keen advocate for the recognition of electronic music as an exciting and valuable art form. This website safeguards Oram’s archive and supports electronic music makers in the UK.

Digital Resources for Musicology provides links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists.

The Golden Pages provide announcements for forthcoming conferences in musicology and related disciplines, an archive of dissertation abstracts, links to music departments worldwide, and other links of interest to musicologists.

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