Creative technologies
Use the library catalogue to find print books and electronic books held by the University of Bedfordshire. You can also find journal titles and databases here - but you cannot search for individual journal articles on the library catalogue.
You may find some useful DVDs in the library related to games and VFX-related films. Search the library catalogue for these or browse the collection at Luton campus library at classmark 791.4372.
Use DISCOVER to search journal articles and the library catalogue simultaneously.
Full-text database of articles and conference papers published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Useful for topics such as computer games.
GDC vault is a collection of talks and slides from the Games Developers Conference. Some content is subscription-only, but much is free.
The IJCGT is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal covering all aspects of games technology.
Archive of 3dcreative magazine, covering all aspects of 3d design.
Archive of 2dartist magazine, covering 2d design and digital painting.
Huge collection of open access papers in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science.
This collection from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) covers almost one-third of the global literature in electrical engineering, communications and computer science. Full-text access to over 3 million articles, conference papers and ebooks.
Collection of over 3500 Elsevier journals covering all aspects of scientific research.