What happens if my work breaches Academic Integrity Rules?

The video below gives an overview of how the University Processes deal with academic misconduct. If you need to view with captions click the [CC] icon at the bottom.

What happens if I commit academic misconduct?

A breach of academic integrity is where the submitted work does not follow the University regulations, either unintentionally through negligence, or intentionally through the use of unfair means to pass an assessment or for academic progression.

If your work is found to contain one of the types of Academic Misconduct it will either be treated as an academic concern within the department, or as an academic offence where it will be sent for consideration by an Academic Conduct Panel. It will be noted as DO on SITS while it is under review.

The University of Bedfordshire has a policy to follow for potential academic misconduct.

The Academic Integrity Policy and Student Guide to the policy are available on the Academic Misconduct page of the website.

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