Responding to an academic offence

If you are accused of an academic offence you have the following options:

  • Accept allegation - You can then send a statement to the panel to explain what happened.
  • Do not accept - You should then send a statement to explain why you do not accept and evidence to support your claim.

All cases will be considered by an impartial Academic Conduct Panel consisting of academics from different departments and faculties.

Evidence required to support your statement includes:

Type of Offence

Evidence to be sent to Academic Practice Officer

Cheating in an exam

An explanation through your written statement that demonstrates that there was no breach of exam regulations.


An explanation through your written statement that demonstrates there was no case of impersonation, and any evidence that supports this.


Evidence that demonstrates the work has not been fabricated (e.g. through gathered literature, methodological approaches, data collection and/or analysis).


Evidence that explains why your work has shown a similarity to the work of another student.

Submission of work produced by a third party

Evidence that demonstrates how your work can be identified as being your own. E.g. draft work (not saved or edited since the submission date) discussions with the tutor about specifics within the work. An AI transcript or proofreading track changes where used. A list of references is not sufficient, as it does not demonstrate authorship, or how they were used.


Evidence that demonstrates how you have attempted to show where the ideas, concepts and information in your work have originated from. Where text was used from a source, the text identified in that source and then also in the work with the correct citation & reference.

Following the conclusion of the Academic Conduct Panel you will be emailed a letter with the panel decision.

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