Use of apps or tools

There are several apps or software tools available to assist with writing. If you use these you must ensure that they are not creating the content for you, and that the ideas and arguments are your own. If you are unsure whether an app is permitted, you should contact your tutor. 

Turnitin has developed a check to indicate how much of a document is generated by AI. This may include text written by any form of AI, such as GPT based tools, translation tools and grammar checking tools. 

If Turnitin identifies a high AI% in a submission, you may be asked to attend a viva to discuss your work. Keeping drafts of every version of your work to show what the app or tool gave you, and how you developed this.

Basic spell checking and grammar checking should not change the meaning of the written text, but if you are using more complex checking, you must ensure that they do not change or improve the arguments, meaning or ideas. 

They should also not change the language beyond your own understanding, as you should be able to explain the meaning of your work. 

Where you use tool such as Grammarly to check your work, you must keep the original draft without the changes, so that you can show the development of the work if requested.

It is not permitted to use a human translator, or translation apps or software to translate large parts (or all of) your assignment. 

If you choose to write your work in your first language before translating to English, you must translate it yourself. 

It would be acceptable to use translation apps to check words and/or phrases, but not to translate the whole document. You should also acknowledge which translation app or tool that you use, and how you use it.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is capable of generating text itself, without requiring a draft document. However, if you include text generated by AI in your work this could mean that you risk submitting work that is not your own writing and ideas, which would be an academic offence.

You should check with your tutor whether it is permitted to use AI in any form when writing your assignment.

If you do use text generated by AI, you should reference it. Cite Them Right has guidance on how to reference AI.

While ChatGPT is probably the most well known AI, there are several others available online. While they are similar, they might not always provide the same results. AI tools are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, and so the text that they generate would need to be validated. References provided by AI tools do not always exist, therefore would also require validating.

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