Proofreading and editing

Submit work with your own ideas written in your own words to show your understanding of the topic and the assessment question.

Receiving proofreading or editing assistance from either another person or through use of software, apps or AI could result in the work no longer being your own writing if you do not follow the correct guidance.

If you are considering the use of proofreading or editing services, check with your tutor what is permitted use within your assignment. You can also check with your PAT and the Library Liaisons for advise on what is permitted.

A third party is not permitted to edit your work for you. Where your work is proofread, the proofreader should not make the changes for you. They may use track changes on a document to suggest changes, or mark changes by hand on a printed version. You may then review these suggestions and decide whether or not to accept them. You must keep a version of the document showing the track changes, as well as drafts of how you use this to develop your final version for submission. Check the document Editorial assistance [DOCX]

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