
Key to demonstrating academic integrity is to reference where you found sources of information. This will both protect you against plagiarism and demonstrate there is evidence supporting the topic you are discussing.

Referencing is important within academic writing and includes different types of referencing skills which you will need to use within your work, including:

  • paraphrasing
  • using direct quotations
  • citing sources
  • using primary and secondary references
  • when and how to include a reference list
  • when and how to include a bibliography

The referencing style that you are required to use will determine how you reference your work, therefore you should ensure that you know which style you are required to follow. The University has referencing guidance to help you to develop your referencing skills.

The University has a subscription to cite them right which provides comprehensive instructions around how to reference sources. It also includes a referencing tutorial

More referencing guidance can be found on the University Library's website

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Library blogs

