Sport Science and Physical Activity


Studying at university requires you to be able to find relevant, high-quality, academic information that you can use confidently in assignments. These pages will help you identify which resources you can use to find that scholarly information relating to sports. On these pages you will links to resources, hints and tips on how to search for information, and guidance on where you can go to get further help and advice.

The resources covered in this guide relate to all aspects of sports including the business, management, and sociology of sports, sports coaching, sports science, and medical subjects such as sports therapy. The majority of databases provide access to peer reviewed journal articles, but you will also see links to a wider range of resources such as ebooks and the interactive 'Visible Body' human anatomy application.

A good place to start is DISCOVER, which searches books, ebooks and much of the electronic material that the University has bought to support your course. There are other databases which will be of use throughout your time at university too; you can find these in the "databases" section of this guide. You will also find online reading lists for the units that you are studying here, Readinglists

Don't forget that we are here to help; you can find advice and guidance on the Study Hub Online, or request an appointment by emailing

Adele Robinson (Monday to Friday)
Tel: 01234 793354 (ext 4354)


Clicking this card will take you to /sport-and-exercise-science/databases/
Clicking this card will take you to /studyhub-library/self-help-resources/finding-and-using-info/
Clicking this card will take you to /a-guide-to-referencing/
Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/using-the-library/visiting-other-libraries/
Clicking this card will take you to /studyhub-library/

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