Beyond UoB

As your research interests becomes more specialist and in depth, you may find that you need to look beyond the University's library service to access the resources you need.

The University of Bedfordshire's Document Supply (inter-library loans) service provides resources which are neither in stock nor held digitally in the University of Bedfordshire library. The service deals with requests for items which can be obtained from other libraries, including the British Library. Simply fill in a form to request an item.

The SCONUL Access scheme allows you to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. As a University of Bedfordshire student or member of staff, you can use this scheme for free. The scheme covers most university libraries in the UK and Ireland, including many libraries in London, such as University College London (UCL), SOAS, and London School of Economics (LSE).

The British Library is one of six legal deposit libraries in the UK. This means that it collects one copy of everything published in the UK. It has well over 150 million items, with 3 million items added every year.

The British Library is next door to Kings Cross St Pancras train station in London. You can join the library for free and request to view items in advance. Remember to check how to join the library in advance of your visit.

You may wish to identify and visit a library which contains specialist information in your research area, for example: The City Business Library, The National Aerospace Library, or the Wellcome Collection.

You could also consider joining your local public library, for example Luton Central Library or Bedford Central Library. Public libraries are free to join and will have a variety of print and digital holdings for you to explore.

An increasing amount of research is being made freely available online, via Open Access initiatives. See the Open Access section of this guide for more information.

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