In My Subject Area

With over 100 databases it can be quite difficult working out which are the best databases for your subject. DISCOVER searches most of our databases at once so is a good starting point. Links in the right-hand column will take you out to the databases not included.

The Digital Library tab has a drop down menu called Databases for my Subject. Just select the subject area you are interested in, click on GO and you will go to the subject guide which describes the most relevant databases for that subject. 

The subject guides are written by the Academic Liaison Librarians. They are comprehensive guides to resources in all formats available in different subject area. Each guide includes an evaluation of the digital resources available in the library's collections in addition to other recommended resources available both in print and electronic formats.

Remember depending on your research you may need to look at more than one subject guide to make sure your literature search is comprehensive. Other subjects impact on your subject and your subject impacts on other subjects so by widening your search you may find a unique and interesting article or book you might not have considered using.

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