Additional resources to cover the Coronavirus pandemic

Many publishers have been making much of their resources open access or providing trial periods for the pandemic period.  Where we can we are making these resources available to you.

We will provide updates as and when new resources become available.

Springer STEM and social science journals. These should be easier to access and you will be logged in for 90 days.

Artsfilm contains nearly 2000 streamed video of masterclasses, documentaries, interviews, content that can entertain, educate and inform. Available until the end of September. More information on content at

To search the database visit

You will also find the individual videos in DISCOVER and the library catalogue.

Publications relevant to coronavirus pandemic have been made open access.

To access:

Access to extra collections from JSTOR including ebooks where publishers agree.

To access:


More information on what is included here

Articles from Emerald journals on managing epidemics and their societal impact are available free at

The Biochemical Society have made access to their 7 journals free during this period.


Future Science Group is a progressive publisher focused on breakthrough medical, biotechnological and scientific research. We have trial access to their 2016-2020 content until the end of this year. Use these links:

Future Medicine

Future Science


Artstor is an extensive image resource for educational and scholarly use. We have free access to it until 31 December 2020.

Access Artstor    

On your first visit, log in through your institution (University of Bedfordshire). You will then be prompted to set up your own e-mail address and password, to use for logging in on subsequent visits.

If you have any problems accessing these resources, please email  with the subject line “additional resources”.

Give us as much information as you can:

  • exactly what resource you are trying to access
  • your ID number
  • what is going wrong - a screenshot of the error message is really helpful

The more information you can give us, the quicker we will be able to help you.

Library on social media

Library blogs

