Your Library: Working with Our Customers

Library, Learning Resources and Information run the library services based at the 4 main Campuses of the university. Whatever your experience of using libraries has been to date - even if you haven't used a library before, staff will be happy to help you! University of Bedfordshire's libraries offer a range of services and opportunities which are central to your success at university.

Navigate through our website using the search box top right of your screen or section headings below or the pages listed in the left pane of your screen to give you a basic introduction to the services on offer and help you get started.

Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/your-library/customer-behaviour-and-standards/
Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/your-library/children/
Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/your-library/feedback/
Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/your-library/keep-in-touch/
Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/your-library/llri-strategy/
Clicking this card will take you to /libraryservices/your-library/what-this-means-to-us/

Library on social media

Library blogs

